A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warrior Deluxe Freddy Krueger Glove
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warrior Deluxe Freddy Krueger GloveSculpted by Anders EriksenTrick..
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 The Dream Master Deluxe Freddy Krueger Mask
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 The Dream Master Deluxe Freddy Krueger MaskSculpted By Justin MabryTrick..
Moonstruck Effects Freddy Krueger ProFX Teeth
Moonstruck Effects Freddy Krueger ProFX TeethProfessional TV And Film Quality TeethMoonstruck Effect..
Freddy Mr Acid Mask
Greyland Film Freddy Mr Acid mask no.500 covers the head and neck.Masks typically with a skull desig..
Freddy Nuclear Man Mask
Greyland Film Freddy nuclear man mask no.150 covers the head and neck.Masks typically with a skull d..
Scarred Foam Latex Prosthetic Mask
Scarred Foam Latex Prosthetic MaskBring the tools of Hollywood special effects makeup artists home w..